My good friend, Shellie, is the kind of person who will send a needy friend, 50 pounds of pinto beans in the mail so ya always have SOMETHING to eat! God bless her!

So.. we gathered 30 great recipes for beans and posted them here. Some call for other types of beans, but pintos will still work.  If you don't have a crock pot, scream 'spousal abuse' until you get one. Enjoy!
-- JH

1. Beef and Bean Burritos 16. Louisiana Red Beans and Rice
2. Beefy Rice and Bean Casserole 17. Marie's Mexican Pinto Beans
3. Blue Ribbon Pinto Beans 18. One Pot Pinto Beans
4. Chili Bean Casserole 19. Pinto Bean Cassoulet
5. Chili Con Carne with Beef 20. Pinto Bean Recipe
6. Connie's Favorite Pinto Beans 21. Pinto Bean Stew
7. Cookout Beans 22. Pinto Beans & Ham
8. Country Bean Bake 23. Pinto Beans & Ham Hocks
9. Country Crock Pot Pinto Beans 24. Pinto Beans and Rice
10. Cowboy Beans 25. Pinto Beans
11. Creamy Bean Soup with Taquito Dippers 26. Pinto Beans With Beef and Tomatoes
12. Crock Pot Pinto Beans 27. Pinto Beans With Garlic
13. Easy Red Beans and Rice 28. Savory Baked Beans with Bacon
14. Easy Savory Baked Beans 29. Texas-Style Beans
15. Frijoles 30. Uncle Steve's World Famous Pinto Beans


Mark and Shellie Pacovsky
Bainville, MT
PH. 406-769-2971
Cell 406-769-7971
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